
We’ve connected a network of leading tax advisors and other complimentary professionals working in the sports industry globally. Our ISTA membership provides you with an opportunity to reach clients in the sports industry, stand out as a qualified advisor and access professional development opportunities to keep ahead of the crowd.

The Process

How to apply

Fill in your application

All members and associates are required to fill in an application that will be reviewed by the memberships team.

Approval process

Once you’ve submitted your application, the ISTA team will contact your professional body to confirm your qualifications are current. If we haven’t been able to verify your qualifications with your professional body within 14 days, we will contact you directly regarding your application.

Welcome to ISTA

Once your application has been approved and annual member fee paid, we will contact you to welcome you to the ISTA community and talk you through how to make the most of your membership.

Member: Tax & Accounting

For qualified tax advisors, accountants or tax lawyers whether you run your own practice or work within a larger organisation, being a Member of ISTA gives you an opportunity to showcase your profile to clients in the sports industry.

Member: Tax & Accounting
GBP Annually
  • A full profile on our Global Directory of Advisors
  • Access to ISTA member-only events
  • 20% discount on all professional development events and webinars
  • Opportunities to be referred work from around the world through our ISTA community
  • Access to brand markers for your email footers and stationary to raise your profile


For qualified advisors in law our Associate membership provides many of the same opportunities as our individual members. Connect with potential referrals around the world and further your understanding of how tax impacts your professional advice.

GBP Annually
  • A full profile on our Global Directory of Advisors
  • 10% discount on all professional development events and webinars
  • Opportunities to be referred work from around the world through our ISTA community
  • Access to brand markers for your email footers and stationary to raise your profile

Partner Firm Membership

We partner with selected industry tax and accounting firms who have proven experience of supporting clients across the sports industry.

Partner Firm Membership
GBP Annually
  • Featured as a Partner Firm on our website
  • Employees will be highlighted as Premium Members on our Global Directory of Advisors
  • 3 Individual memberships included for your team
  • Discount on further individual memberships
  • Opportunities to contribute to resources for ISTA
  • Features on our social media
  • Access to Partner Firm brand markers for your company emails, website and documents
  • Branding included on ISTA published resources